Not everybody wants to be personally visible on LinkedIn to build their personal branding. When you use your personal LinkedIn account, you are vulnerable. You give your thoughts about a personal or professional situation publicly. When you do that, you are open to any kind of comments. Good comments or harmful words. You have to be emotionless and protect yourself them.
Communicating through your company's name is an excellent option to protect you. You can create your company page on LinkedIn and manage it like your profile. You can post, and you can comment on people's publications.
Remaining hidden can be a branding strategy also. You don't want to influence the impact on your business with your personal image. You want people to focus only on the company values and what the company is building.
As a community manager, a ghostwriter or a social media manager, this feature is a must-have when you need to manage the company communication on LinkedIn.
With Scheduled, you can schedule LinkedIn posts on LinkedIn company page from Notion. Let me show you how to do it.
Before connecting your LinkedIn company pages to Scheduled, you need to connect your LinkedIn profile.
At the end of this step, you should have something like this:
To go to the next steps, be sure you are an administrator of the LinkedIn page you want to connect to Scheduled. If you're not an admin of the page, you want have the authorization to do it.
To have the role admin, you must contact the owner of the LinkedIn page to add your LinkedIn profile as an admin of the page.
Now you have your LinkedIn profile connected and you know you're the admin of the LinkedIn company page you want to connect to Scheduled, let's see how to do it on Scheduled.
Then, you'll be able to choose which LinkedIn pages you want to connect to Scheduled.
At this step you'll see the LinkedIn pages where you're an administrator. You can connect unlimited pages to Scheduled, so select the pages where to you want to schedule LinkedIn posts from Notion.
For the last step, you have to go to your Notion. Now you have your LinkedIn pages connected to Scheduled, let's see how to update your Notion database to give you the ability to choose where to publish on LinkedIn.
To do it, you can click on the dots on the top right in your Notion database.
Then, click on Properties and New property.
Choose the Select type and change the name to sc_linkedin_page.
Now you have added your property, you need to add the good options to allow Scheduled to know which page you want to publish your content.
To find the correct options:
The name of those options will remind you the name of the LinkedIn pages you connected to Scheduled.
Copy/paste the option and add it to your property in your Notion database like this:
The option must be the same to publish on your LinkedIn page.
Awesome! You go through all the steps, everything is setup and now you know how to schedule posts on LinkedIn company page from Notion.
But, wait! Maybe you have a last question.
With this new property sc_linkedin_page, you have the ability to schedule LinkedIn posts on your pages and you can keep posting on your LinkedIn profile also.
If you want to publish on a LinkedIn company page, you have to choose an option for the sc_linkedin_page property.
If you want to publish on your LinkedIn profile, you can let this property empty. By default , if the sc_linkedin_page property is empty Scheduled will published your post on your profile.
You can't schedule the same Notion card to be published on your profile and your LinkedIn page at the same time.
If you want to publish the same content on your LinkedIn company page and profile, you need to duplicate the card on Notion and put the correct value for the sc_linkedin_page.
With Scheduled, and for any plans, you can connect unlimited LinkedIn company pages. Be sure to be the administrator of the page before connecting. If you access for the pages you connected is revoked, you won't be able to publish on the pages anymore.
Compared with other social media tools, your costs don't depend on the number of LinkedIn pages you want to connect.
So, if you are a social media manager or a ghostwriter, you can manage all the LinkedIn pages you want from only one Notion database.